The last 2016 breakfast sponsored by Amristar will be in Sydney on Wed 26 October.
This final breakfast will have the topic “Spatial Services strategic intent, and its role in the DFSI Digital Transformation agenda” and will have Bruce Thompson (Executive Director Spatial Services) and Narelle Underwood (NSW Surveyor General) from the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation.
It coincides with the CRCSI conference “Innovation to Transformation” so we look forward to catching up to folks there as well.
It’s been a fun ride
The #SIBABreakfast taken us from Perth to Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Hobart, Darwin, Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington. Several of them more than once.
The occasions have had Greg Stroot kicking off the breakfast with a Mapworks intro, and then
- April 13 Melbourne: Along with Dr Amanda Caples, we had Tim Ruse from Zero Latency with a great presentation – “A start-up story” – on entrepreneurial startups
- April 18 Brisbane: Andrew Hynd – Gadens “Agile Contracts – Can business with Government be more nimble and lower risk?”, and Richard Simpson on “Is BIM Better Information Management?”
- May 4 Perth: Anthony Roe from IBM on IoT/Cognitive Engineering, and Steve Troughton (Managing Director, Main Roads) on “Main Roads – meeting the challenges of the future.”
- May 6 Darwin: Luke Bowen (General Manager, Northern Australia Development Office) on “The imperative of Northern Australia Development – challenges and opportunities”.
- May 11 Sydney: The Hon Andrew Constance on “Transforming Transport through Technology”; Peter Runcie – Business Leader Future Cities, Transport and Infrastructure – DATA61 | CSIRO “Implications and Opportunities for our Future Cities.”
- July 18 Melbourne: Susan Harris (Chief Executive Officer, Intelligent Transport Systems Australia) on “Connected and Autonomous Vehicle activity in Australia.”; Darren McRostie – Chief Technology Officer, Intelematics Australia.
- July 19 Hobart: Deputy Premier, the Hon Jeremy Rockliff MP Minister for Education and Training Minister for Primary Industries and Water; Michael Giudici (Surveyor General, Land Tasmania) on “Land Tasmania’s Spatial Discovery”.
- July 20 Sydney: Mr Pedro Harris (NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation) on “The changing face of location in NSW”
- July 25 Auckland: Graeme Muller – NZ Tech; Wayne Tyson – Geospatial Institute; Mattias and Stu – Trimble
- July 26: Wellington: Graeme Muller – NZ Tech; Wayne Tyson – Geospatial Institute
- July 27: Christchurch: Graeme Muller – NZ Tech; Wayne Tyson – Geospatial Institute
- July 29 Perth: Justin Van Didden (Landgate) “SPUR – Exploring new ways of doing things and embracing technology”; Matt Walsh (Section Manager, Water Corporation Location, risk and customer impact) – Using GIS for preventative maintenance programs across the Wheatbelt region.
- August 15 Brisbane: Steve Jacoby PSM (Executive Director, Land and Spatial Information, Department of Natural Resources and Mines) on “Queensland’s Open Spatial Data and Globe 2.0.”; Paul Russell (Executive Director, Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation) on “Advance Queensland”.
- October 26 Sydney: Bruce Thompson (Executive Director Spatial Services) and Narelle Underwood (NSW Surveyor General from the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation) on “Spatial Services strategic intent, and its role in the DFSI Digital Transformation agenda.”
Thanks to all who attended and presented. It stands as a testimony to the collaboration within the spatial industry, and to the importance of SIBA as the peak body representing it.
Special thanks go to Kellee Ireland, Maria Romero, Robyn McCutcheon, and Kaye Cleland of SIBA.
Thanks also to others behind the scenes in each state and country that balance the needs of SIBA with their normal role such as Francisco Urbina, Lynnette Terret, Anne Harper, Jeremy Gulson, Scott Campbell (sorry if you’re not mentioned here, you know who you are).