Get up to speed quickly in Mapworks

Mapworks User and Developer tutorials are a great way to learn about Mapworks, even if you haven’t yet signed up for your free 90 day trial account.

What’s available?

To get you quickly up to speed, Mapworks has 2 sequential tutorials. One is set at the Studio Designer perspective, and the other at the Developer perspective.


Design Maps with Mapworks

For users who want to know how to navigate the Mapworks Studio, you can start at the ground floor with this guide. Without spoiling the surprises, this is where you can make a nice map with some cool data.

This may result in a map that you simply want to share, or one that could become an integral part of some amazing application.


Develop Apps with Mapworks

For users who want to build an amazing application, you will want to get started with the API (Application Programming Interface). This starts with some architectural basics, and then explores how you can incorporate the tools and data from the Mapworks Studio and *really* make a map that kicks.

You will soon be integrating lots of openly available sample code to make the map sing… and dance.